
1:1 Coaching

Get a personalized plan and regular check-ins to help you reach your goals.

coaching AREAS

ARRIVE at the next level with one-on-one coaching by setting goals and executing strategies to achieve the results you want.

Areas of success can include:

    • career mapping to level up, starting in a new role or company, career transition

    • conflict management, creating systems of accountability, managing up, working collaboratively

    • building and strengthening culture, navigating relationships, becoming a trusted resource and strategic partner

    • delegation, team dynamics, succession planning, leading a new team, getting the most out of your team

    • time management, stress-free productivity, setting priorities and learning how to say no, creating habits that lead to success

  • Strategic focus/visioning- communicating intent, long-term visioning, creating systems for execution

individual coaching packages

Packages are customized to each individual’s desired outcomes. Packages consist of two coaching sessions per month and based on goals, may include individual behavioral assessments, 360 surveys or interviews, and more.

Discount can also be applied for non-profit professionals!

Group coaching packages

Group coaching packages are available to organizations looking for a cost-effective approach for leadership development. Participants will receive group coaching as a cohort based on organizational objectives.

Why coaching?

Executive coaching offers numerous benefits for individuals pursuing or currently in leadership positions. Some of the key advantages of executive coaching include:

  • Enhanced Leadership Skills: I offer personalized guidance and support to help identify strengths and areas for improvement. By focusing on specific leadership competencies, coaching enables leaders to enhance their effectiveness and lead with greater confidence.

  • Increased Self-Awareness: My coaching approach encourages self-reflection and introspection, leaders can recognize their blind spots, overcome limiting beliefs, and make conscious choices that align with their personal and professional goals. This self-awareness contributes to improved decision-making and more authentic leadership.

  • Greater Work-Life Balance: I recognize the importance of work-life balance and well-being for leaders. We can explore strategies to managel time effectively, prioritize tasks, and create boundaries. By achieving a healthier work-life integration, leaders can enhance their overall well-being, reduce stress, and maintain sustainable high performance.

  • Improved Performance: I work collaboratively with executives to set specific goals, develop action plans, and hold them accountable for their progress. By addressing performance gaps and leveraging strengths, coaching helps executives achieve peak performance and excel in their roles.

  • Enhanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Leaders receive valuable feedback and guidance on how to communicate effectively, build relationships, resolve conflicts, and influence others. These skills are crucial for fostering collaboration, motivating teams, and building strong professional networks.

  • Increased Confidence and Resilience: Our coaching sessions will build confidence in the leader’s abilities and decision-making. Leaders gain a clearer sense of their value proposition and learn strategies to overcome challenges and setbacks, bounce back from adversity, navigate change, and maintain focus and motivation even in demanding situations.


Acquire solutions to organizational challenges and make the complex simple.

consulting AREAS

Depending on an organization’s specific needs and circumstances, I can provide valuable expertise, insights, and resources to projects that enhance an organization's performance, solve complex problems, and drive growth.

Examples of consulting services include:

    • surveys, setting goals, leadership training, task force, implementation

    • surveys, performance management assessment, training systems

    • mission/vision, overall objectives, metrics for success, plan development & systems implementation

    • volunteer engagement integration into strategic plan, measuring overall impact, systems and infrastructure design

Why Consulting?

There are several reason an organization can use my consulting services:

  • Expertise and Knowledge: As a specialist in people and resource strategy, I can offer valuable insights and implement best practices that integrate into the organization’s current structure or assist in developing new systems that support the overall goals.

  • Objective Perspective: As an external contributor, I can analyze a situation objectively, identify problems and offer unbiased recommendations. This objectivity can be valuable when organizations need an impartial evaluation of their operations or strategic direction.

  • Flexibility and Cost-Effectiveness: I can work on a project-by-project basis depending on specific needs and timelines, which can be more affordable than hiring and maintaining full-time employees with a similar level of expertise. I can also train current employees to maintain systems and infrastructure once the project is complete.

  • Time-Saving: By engaging me in to handle specific projects, the organization can focus on its core activities. As the project serving as my only focus, I can provide faster turnaround times by leveraging my experience and streamlining processes.


Enhance skills and job satisfaction across the organization.

training opportunities

Team training not only facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise, it provides a platform for sharing best practices, lessons learned, and innovative ideas. Team members from different functions or departments can develop a broader understanding of each other's roles, fostering collaboration and synergy.

By providing a common foundation of knowledge and skills, training ensures all team members are aligned in their approach to work.

Depending on the organizational needs, I can offer training that fits any team’s learning objectives, such as:

  • Accountability

  • Communication Styles

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Delegation

  • Productivity

  • Trust & Teambuilding

Why training?

There are several benefits from investing in training across the organization:

  • Improved Performance: Training provides team members with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to perform their roles effectively. As they become more proficient, they can contribute to improved overall team performance.

  • Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: By developing shared understanding, promoting active listening, and encouraging open dialogue, team training helps create a positive and cooperative work environment.

  • Increased Employee Satisfaction and Engagement: Investing in team training demonstrates an organization's commitment to employee development. When employees feel valued and see opportunities for growth, they tend to be more satisfied and engaged in their work. Training also helps team members build confidence and competence, leading to higher job satisfaction and motivation.

  • Talent Development: Training contributes to higher employee retention rates as employees perceive the organization as a place that values their professional development. Team training can also identify and nurture high-potential employees, preparing them for leadership roles within the organization.

  • Increased Innovation and Creativity: By exposing team members to new ideas, perspectives, and problem-solving techniques, training stimulates innovative thinking. It promotes a culture of continuous improvement and encourages team members to contribute their unique insights and ideas.


Inspire success and empower leaders and organizations to evolve.

retreat opportunities

Hosting a retreat is a valuable investment in the development of leaders, fostering teamwork, strategic thinking, skill development, and personal growth, ultimately benefiting the organization as a whole.

I can design a retreat that incorporates strategies that meet the overall desired outcome, empowering leaders to work collaboratively to strengthen their own competencies and propel the organization forward.

Why retreats?

There are several benefits from investing in training across the organization:

  • Team Building: Retreats bring together leaders from different areas of an organization. Leaders have the opportunity to interact in a relaxed and informal setting, not only fostering stronger relationships and team cohesion but also leads to collaborations, partnerships, and idea exchanges that benefit the organization in the long run.

  • Improved Communication: Away from the usual work pressures and hierarchy, leaders can engage in meaningful discussions, share perspectives, and improve communication channels, leading to better collaboration and a more positive work culture.

  • Increased Motivation and Engagement: Retreats offer a break from routine, reenergizing leaders and inspiring them to approach their work with renewed enthusiasm.

  • Personal Growth: Retreats often provide leaders with an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. They can gain new perspectives, evaluate their leadership style, identify areas for improvement, and set personal goals.

  • Skill Development: Retreats often include workshops and training sessions to enhance leadership skills. Leaders can learn new techniques, receive guidance, and gain insights.

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Retreats often include problem-solving activities that challenge leaders to think creatively and find innovative solutions. By tackling complex problems outside of regular work context, leaders develop critical thinking skills and improve their ability to navigate challenges in the workplace.

  • Strategic Planning: Retreats allow leaders to step away from day-to-day operations and focus on long-term strategic planning. This helps foster creativity and innovation, enabling leaders to brainstorm ideas, set goals, and develop strategies for future success.